215 Chess Street

Monongahela, PA 15063


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Parents tell us all the time that they tried out a traditional martial art such as Karate before ultimately landing on Octane MMA’s Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing classes for their child. I just wanted to take a few minutes and explain some key differences between our Jiu Jitsu & Kickboxing program, and a traditional Karate program.

#1 Ground Self Defense for Jiu Jitsu vs. Standing Self Defense for Karate

karate monongahelaKarate generally deals with self defense from a standing position. However, Jiu Jitsu is a martial art form that focuses on ground self defense. In a combat situation, things often get taken to the ground. If this happens, knowing how to defend yourself and subdue an opponent is of utmost importance. Jiu Jitsu is defined as a martial art form that teaches a smaller, weaker opponent to defeat a bigger, stronger opponent by use of technique, leverage, and joint manipulation. It will teach your child how to effectively stop an attack that happens on the ground by using reversals, sweeps, weight distribution, body movement, and submissions. Simply put, Karate focuses solely on self defense from a Standing Position. Jiu Jitsu focuses on self defense from the Ground.

What if I want my son or daughter to learn Standing Self Defense too?

Jiu Jitsu is just one part of our program. The other part is Kickboxing. Kickboxing is a Martial Art Form that combines elements of Karate, Boxing, and Tae Kwon Do. This teaches children to be comfortable in a standing position. We focus on movement, footwork, an array of punches and kicks, and most importantly, defense. While a traditional Karate program will teach you all of this, our program combines elements of both Kickboxing and Jiu Jitsu for a more well-rounded Martial Arts base for children.

#2 Practicality of Jiu Jitsu

Simply put, Jiu Jitsu is a practical form of self defense. Children are learning take downs, and what to do when you find yourself on the ground, whether on top or bottom. It’s very practical from a self-defense standpoint considering most attack situations ultimately end with one person on top of the other. Karate is a very prestigious martial art form, don’t get me wrong. But, your child won’t learn ground grappling in a traditional Karate Program. Therefore, while they could learn every Karate technique known to man, it won’t help them if they find themselves on their back. Jiu Jitsu will.

#3 The Fun Factor of Octane MMA Kid’s Program

karate monongahelaKarate classes can be fun. Traditional Karate programs teach excellent life skills, respect, discipline, etc. Fortunately, our Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing classes teach the same set of life skills, if not more. But, unlike a traditional Karate class, we like to keep it really fun so the kids learn, but also really enjoy what they’re doing. Studies show that children have a 10-15 minute attention span doing an activity that they find enjoyable. Because of this, we mix games into our class curriculum. Children think they’re having fun playing a game. In reality, they’re learning important skills that will help them get better at Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing. Most traditional Karate programs don’t operate this way. However, this approach has been tried and tested at top Kid’s Martial Arts Gyms across the country. And, we practice this style of teaching right here in Monongahela.

If you’d like to try a class out, or learn more about our Program, please click below. There you’ll find details of what a typical class looks like, age range for students, our teaching philosophy, examples of life skills students will learn, and much much more! As always, our first class is absolutely Free.
