215 Chess Street

Monongahela, PA 15063


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Kids Martial Arts : The Anti-Bully

kids martial arts monongahela

Kids martial arts can be a wonderful tool to help your child gain valuable skills, such as balance, coordination, camaraderie, discipline, respect (for oneself, and others), self defense, and much more.

True or false: Your son or daughter’s well being is the most important thing to you as a parent. If you said false, please exit out of this page. This article is very serious, and I don’t want you to read if we’re not on the same page.

If you’re still reading, great! Let’s talk about the buzz word of the year, bullying. There have been countless news stories about unthinkable things happening to children across the country as a result of bullying. I recently heard a statistic that childhood depression is on the rise. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about that. With that in mind, we as a Mixed Martial Arts gym are in a unique position to do something positive and help counteract bullying. And we plan to do just that, one student at a time.

How do we achieve that?

4 step approach…

1) By teaching respect and discipline in our classes. We teach our students to respect their elders, coaches, parents, peers, and perhaps most importantly, themselves. We’ve found that our students gain self confidence through our kids martial arts classes, and that it carries over into other aspects of their lives. We’ve also found that they’re more disciplined in their home life and at school.

anti bullying monongahela2) By emphasizing to students that they’re not to use their skills outside of class. We preach to our students that what they learn in class is for self-defense purposes only. They’re never to use their skills to initiate a fight. However, if they need to defend themselves, they are equipped with the proper skills. If we find out they’re using their skills for purposes deemed not appropriate, we have the right to suspend them from class. Fortunately, we’ve never had to suspend a child because our kids martial arts students understand this concept.

3) By educating our students on why it’s not cool to be a bully. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, some kids decided bullying was “cool.” Teaming up on defenseless children for their own amusement suddenly became fun to them because they were a little bigger, and could get away with it. We won’t stand for it. Our students learn that bullying is unacceptable, and why.

4) By teaching children that bullying isn’t only physical. Emotional bullying is a real thing, and we arm our students with the knowledge and techniques to counteract this type of bullying.

What is your son/daughter going to do in Kids Martial Arts Class?

kids martial arts belle vernon

Our kids martial arts classes mix 2 different styles of martial arts; Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Kickboxing.

Brazilian Jiu JItsu is a martial art style that teaches ground self defense. Basically, how to defend yourself if you ever find yourself on your back. They’ll learn how to counteract bullies through submissions, reversals, sweeps, guard, and positioning.

Most people have heard of Kickboxing. Children will learn how to defend themselves standing up. We teach how to punch properly, how to defend a punch, head movement, and footwork. All of the skills necessary to prevent a bullying attack.

But, it’s also really fun…

We understand that most children only do something because it’s fun. Our kids martial arts blend technique with games. But, for a reason. Our games are teaching them valuable skills without them realizing it. They think they’re just having a blast (which they are). But, they’re also learning really valuable self-defense skills in the process making it a win-win for everyone.

Try it out for Free

We’re so confident that you’ll love this for your son or daughter that we want to give you a class to try it out for free. This gives you a chance to see what we have to offer first hand without making any commitment. If you decide it’s not for you after that first class, you pay nothing. Or, you could purchase 5 Classes for $19.99 to continue your trial. But, there’s a reason that 9 out of 10 students come back after their Trial… because parents love the lessons, morals, skills, and education their children get at Octane MMA. That’s priceless. We’re located in Monongahela, PA and run kids martial arts classes Mondays at 7pm, and Wednesdays at 730pm. Each class is one hour. Join us?

To learn more about our classes & to fill out a form to get your son or daughter’s martial arts journey started, please click below:

Get a Free Class or a 5 Class Trial for $19.99