215 Chess Street

Monongahela, PA 15063


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Summer is right around the corner. For many people, fitness and moving towards living a more active lifestyle is at the top of mind. Maybe after the past holiday season, you went out and grabbed yourself a gym membership and have been pounding the treadmill everyday burning off the fat. But let’s be honest. Running on a treadmill is one of the most boring things in the entire world. You’d love to continue (or start) this “new you” but the treadmill thing just isn’t working out, and you cannot take another day of running in place. We’d love to introduce you to Kickboxing so that you can start or continue your fitness journey and burn even more calories.


The biggest concern we hear is that Kickboxing requires you to get punched, and people are nervous or fearful of that. Fortunately, that statement is untrue. Most of our work is done hitting pads, bags or mitts. In reality, Kickboxing is one the very best high intensity, high-energy workouts on the planet. Just search “Kickboxer” on Google and you’ll see images of real people around the world in peak physical condition as a result of Kickboxing Classes. Yes, many of these people are professional fighters, but at no time does Kickboxing require you to fight, spar, or anything else that involves more than getting one of the best workouts of your life.

With that said, let’s discuss some of the benefits kickboxing has to offer those looking for a new and exciting workout routine while leaving the treadmill behind.

You’re Going To Melt Fat

Kickboxing is a full body workout that combines HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with Cardio, ab exercises, speed and agility training which melts fat away and provides the user with a workout that is fun, engaging, and constantly changing to break the boredom.

FACT: Kickboxing has been shown to burn 750-1,000 calories per hour depending on the intensity of the class.

You’re Going To Learn Self Defense – If you are in a legitimate program.

womens kickboxingWhile for many, the idea of kickboxing is purely a fitness proposition, one of the side benefits is that you are going to learn how to defend yourself if you have chosen the right training program.  Like many things in life, not all programs are created equal. Some instructors use the calorie burning benefits solely for that and while students may feel that they are learning kickboxing, they’re really not.  A good program is going to have an instructor that focuses on proper technique so that while you may not be there for competition reasons, you will still know how to defend yourself if the time ever arises. Plus, you’ll be burning serious calories at the same time.

But why is that important if I am only there to get fit?

The short answer: Perfect practice makes perfect & not just practice.

The long answer is: Just like any other form of exercise, doing techniques improperly can lead to injury. Without being shown the proper way to do something you will run a much higher risk of injury from your training.  Plus if you have taken the time to dedicate yourself to a workout program, don’t you want to get the maximum benefit out of it?

You’re Going To Be More Confident

Making the decision to become physically fit and better yourself is like placing dominos in a line and tipping one over. Once the domino line begins, it doesn’t stop until the end. Often times, people suffer from a failure to start. But, once they make that first step towards achieving their goals, each additional step becomes easier. All you need to do is tip over that first domino, and you’re on your way. This leads to being more confident. Not just in your workouts, but in decision making and life. It breaks the barrier of entry and shows that things are achievable if you’re willing to dedicate yourself to starting and finishing things. Accomplishment is contagious!

Are You Ready To Start Training Kickboxing?

Click Here to Get Your Journey Started with a 5 Class Trial For Only $19.99

About the Author:

kickboxing monongahela

Chaz Sztroin is co-owner and the Head Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and NOGI Grappling Instructor for Octane MMA. He’s been involved in Martial Arts for most of his lifetime, including a Black Belt and National Title in Tang Soo Do. He has also trained exclusively in Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling, MMA, and NOGI Grappling through different periods of his life.